
Monday, May 30, 2016

Know Thyself

If you were like me, I had good parents but they didn't intentionally encourage deep exploration of self which may be because they were young or simply didn't know how to do this themselves. And as far as the church goes, they didn't do the job either. All that I can recall the church pushing was knowing God, who He is and keeping His commandments. I never heard anyone teaching on the importance of knowing ourselves and how that plays a major part in not only how we relate to others, but to God himself.

Relationship with self fuels our relationship with God. Often times we're told, either directly or indirectly, that the most important relationship we will have in life is with God. That in turn, sometimes, taught us to neglect ourselves. And I get that we are supposed to know God in order to know what God  has said about us and His will for us. I get it, but what does that matter if we don't know the reality of who we truly are at the moment? How do we know our inadequacies, our strengths and the reason why we need God in the first place? Then, when we're taught how to have a relationship with God, often times it's based on someone else's personal relationship--- the key word there is personal.

If we're made in God's image and want to get to know God we must have knowledge of ourselves in the process. I believe this is the reason why so many have been stuck in the box of religion and left feeling unfulfilled and eventually lose faith. Religion is a set of rules that ultimately formulate a system of group think. If we're all made in God's image, and He is the creator of ALL, how can we all be alike and think alike? A lot of times, we have people that get complacent in listening to what others say or doing what they have been told to do instead of them finding their own path and way that suits their individual temperaments. I believe that doctrine is a good place to start but it shouldn't be the place where we stay.  Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the holy one is understanding."

A pastor friend of mine posted something on his Facebook page the other day that was so profound and real. I wish that not only pastors would get this but the followers of pastors as well. He said "The Word of God never tells Pastors to control the sheep. It says to FEED MY SHEEP. A pastor's job is to empower people to rightly divide the Word of God so that they can hear God for themselves and make wise Godly decisions. The pastor is not suppose to be a surrogate Holy Ghost." His wife backed him up and said, "I'll be honest some people want a pastor who thinks for them. I know bc folks don't read their bibles. It's easier to be a slave than to be free. So if I don't think for myself and do what pastor says I can blame he and God when my life isn't working." <----- That statement right there had me wanting to run, jump and holler because it's sooo true!

We must do better at helping those who have joined us in our faith to build their own personal relationships with God, while tending to their total being. There are A LOT of unhappy, mentally unstable and lost sanctified people a part of the "church." I know this because I have been one of them, wrestling with knowing who I am because I've been taught all of my life to be something that ultimately wasn't me....balance is key!

The Bible says that Jesus came that we may have life and life more abundantly! And it also says that He has given us EVERYTHING that pertains to LIFE and godliness. I believe it's time that churches, and particularly black churches, start teaching about life and not just life in regards to just scripture. We're losing and have lost many because we have failed to transition from tradition and our stagnant box of thinking. Evolution and a revolution is a must!

This post really just scratched the surface of the thoughts in my head. I hope and pray that this spurs some thinking and conversations that foster growth in your own lives.