
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Introducing the Journey

Psalms 34:18 "The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit." 

Dueteronomy 4:29 "But rom there you will seek the Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Today is the national day known as Valentine's Day, Love Day, Heart Day etc., etc., etc. What a perfect time to kick this off right?! Yay! Lol! As I digress.... to some it's a day of romanticism and lovey-dovey mushy-gushy memory making. To some it's a day of dread, a trigger for memories of heartbreak and lonliness. Whatever today means for you, God's love is the same everyday and is the same for everyone. 

I posted two scriptures at the top that I believe convey God's heart and exemplify a facet of how relationship with God is. Psalms 34:18 tells us God is near us when we are broken hearted and when our spirits are broken. Dueteronomy 4:29 tells us that we WILL find God if we seek Him with our whole heart. Why is this? Revelation 3:20 lets us know that God stands at our door and knocks. He is concerned about us when we're broken. He hears our cries and is wanting in our door because He is the God of ALL comfort and He knows He can fix whatever it is. Afterall, He is the creator of all things; the ultimate intelligent being. And we will find Him when we search with all our heart, our passion and soul why? Distractions lose their power when we put our ALL into the search for Him. And on top of that, He's already there. He's at our door! So the equation is this: SEEK GOD WITH YOUR ALL + HE'S ALREADY THERE = A GLORIOUS COLLISION OF A HUG. 

Contrary to popular belief, we are not chasing God. God is ever so close to us. If anything, our feet are entangled in the lust and sin of our flesh, or we're running into walls set up by religion which brings me to the  introduction of the title of this blog,  The Journey Between Religion and Relationship. God's love is not this mystical thing we have to work for. Religion teaches us that. For God's love is freely given through grace. Relationship reveals that. I encourage you to join this journey of mine if you haven't already. Let's pursue a real relationship with God and not with religion. Yeah, they both start off sounding the same with the "rel" but they are drastically different. 

I hope you enjoyed the read. Stay tuned for more on this journey between religion and relationship. Until next time, embrace God's love and blessings.

Vakeisa L. Jones


  1. Vakeisa,

    That was truly inspirational and encouraging. I'm thankful that you've figured out the difference the between a relationship with God and religion. I was caught up in religion all of my life as well. When my Spirit began to die, along with everything else dear to me, I knew that something needed to change. Stepping out on faith was the greatest thing I've done in my life.

    My Spiritual sister, let's continue to strive for a greater relationship with God and minister to others so that they, too may have a relationship.

    I love you

    Brittany B.

  2. Interesting, I like this blog, already...
    After reading what you just said, I've come to the conclusion that
    religions make us fear our Supreme Creator, The fear is what keeps us in religious bondage... If in fact, Our Supreme Being is a being of love, therefore, I feel like we should love our creator instead of fearing... & according to the gospel, sins are paid for - so why would one want to go congregate around a man who pan handles and tells people they are going to hell... Wait, who gave him power to judge and condemn? No one knows where we are going or when... and it's sad that people are so seduced by charisma that they will pay a person to read the bible for them, because they don't know how to read or study, themselves... LOL, religion is a business... & I understood the bible, much better, when I, Myself read it, versus letting some preacher shout at me his own inconsistancies, discourageing and ego stroking at the same time... that aint love... it's confusion... & Speaking of sins being paid for - since sins are considered being paid for, by the blood of the Son/Sun - is there a such thing as a sin being valid or is it nullified and void under the blood of the Christ? i just want to know what you think, ur an intelligent woman, Ms. Jones...

  3. I totally agree with you Charles! God doesn't want us to be afraid of Him. On several occasions he uses son and friend, not slave. And it is sad that people won't read and study for themselves. I was one of them. People are lazy and don't want to devote the time required to receive for themselves.

    1. Please, Allow Me To Share These Additional Thoughts… If I Am Offensive, My Apologies… This Is Only My Discussion Of Reason, Not To Compel Thoughts…
      I Think Most People Are Just Content With Being Victims...
      In All Honesty... Our People Have Been Programmed Into Fear -
      Of Their Own Selves... & It's Driven Many To Insanity...
      Our People Even Label Ourselves In A Victimizing Manner… We Call Ourselves The Sons Of Ham, The Gentiles, The Hebrew Israelites, The Sinners… (I’m Even Starting To Question Calling Ourselves Black, Seeing As “Black” Is Always Associated With Negative Definitions – That’s Another Story) Non Of Those Labels Sound Like Children Of Divinity… Us… We Are Scared Of Who We Are… Victims Of Fear… No Concept Of Greatness Outside Of The Church… But We Make The Church, From Within… Yet, We Look Outside Ourselves To Other Things & Beings, When The Creator Lives Within Us… We See The Force We Put Out And Never Notice That It Comes From Within… We Look Without, Not Within… When We Are The Very Essence Of Divinity… We Are Not A Religion, Not An Abomination, But We Are Not This Brown Skin… Yes, We Are The Original People Of This Planet, But Before That, We Are Souls/Energy/Divinity – Why Would We Be The Ones The Bible Is Against, Unless If The Bible Has Been Revised To Express This Type Of Damnation In Order To Control The Soul/Mind, With Fear And Victimization?
      - That’s Just A Thought…
      The Greatest Love Was Receiving Our Creator's Image, (Not The Forming From The Earth Or The Rib) But When Our Creator Breathe Life Into Us, Metaphysically - That Was The Image, That Was The Creator's Own Life Force, Shared With Us... The Soul, If You Will - The Physical Being We Are In Is Only A Temporary Thing... But The Soul Will Live On…
      Another Idea Of Mine’s - People Even Have Hell & Heaven Concepts All Mixed Up… We Know Of No One That Has Actually Been To A Physical Place Called By Either Name Other Than By Dream/Images Of The Mind, That Most Likely Are A Representation Of Some Mental Aspect Regarding This Physical Plane… Yet, We Fear The Worst Of Going To The Least Desirable And Have Hopes Of Making It To The Ladder… What If Those Are Just Areas Of The Mind Or Mentality And Not At All Physical Places?
      What If Our Energy Just Passes On To Another Existence? I Mean, Being That We Are Souls – Could A Soul Really Feel Pain Of Fire, Gnash Teeth Under Brimstone? Would I Recognize Someone In Heaven, From Earth – I Mean, What Will Their Physical Appearance Be Of? If I See My Great Grand Mother, Will She Be The Old Lady That I Knew Or Will She Be The Young Child She Once Was, When I See Her? - Maybe You Have The Answers I’ve Missed, To These Questions… – But I Feel That Our Souls Are Timeless, They Are Divine As The Creator Divided Into Male & Female Aspects To Produce Male & Female, So, Do We Share That Divinity, When We Reproduce… We Are In The Image Of Our Creator… There Is Nothing To Fear But Ignorance… Nothing To Gain But Awareness Of Divinity Though Observation & Understanding… As Children, We Are Taught Fear And We Are Taught Not To Question Authority… At Some Point, We Have To Realize Our Own Authority And Question What We Fear And Why… How Else Will We Be Aware And Ascend?
